Data Security

We take data security very seriously. If you are a small business, CCC quite possibly has stricter data security in the workplace than you do.

We utilise the services of Datacom for its storage of essential and confidential information. Datacom is one of the largest facilities in the world providing security of data for many Australian and New Zealand businesses including banks.

In addition to all security around access to its computers, we also provides security through restricted access to our systems to authorised users.

The best security cannot always stop individuals committing data theft, whether by accident or design. While we undertake extensive background checks to ensure the best people, company polices are in place so that CCC staff members cannot inadvertently share your data. Our policies might seem quite strict but are designed to protect our clients and our people and include, depending on the role fulfilled

  1. no mobile phones
  2. restricted access to printers
  3. no usb download drives (unless required for the role under supervision)
  4. no social media (unless required for the role)

Company security

CCC is located in the business centre of Manila – Makati. The building offers full security of access with 24 hour security staff at the building’s entrance. Additionally, entry into our offices can only occur with a security card which is issued to its current employees only and provides full control of access and recording of its use.

The building has backup generators and a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) to ensure even in black outs we are able to continue working.


Our people are our greatest asset. For the security of our team and our clients we hire very carefully, all staff have background checks including at least three references.

To keep our staff safe our building security is extensive and we follow relevant local OH&S best practice to ensure a safe working environment.


Get in touch to learn more about how CCC can help you grow your business.