
The Philippines is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia with a growing offshore industry. Increasingly global businesses, particularly those headquartered in the US, Asia, Australia and New Zealand are recognizing the benefits of offshoring to the Philippines.

As a location Philippines has distinct advantages of:
  1. A culture historically influenced by the West and through shared values and social customs
  2. A stable economy, currently one of the fastest growing economies in Asia with incentives to encourage growth of offshore business
  3. A stable political environment.
  4. A favourable timezone particularly for Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the US
  5. English is taught in schools and is an official national language, along with Filipino (Tagalog)
  6. A highly literate population

Staff from the Philippines are typically hired for offshore work because of their attributes:
  1. University educated with sound professional and corporate experience in fields including accountancy, IT, Data and HR/Recruitment
  2. An excellent command of the English language, both written and spoken
  3. A strong work ethic
  4. Good understanding of technology

Finding a trusted offshore partner is key to long term success in outsourcing and realising the benefits of outsourcing to The Philippines.


Get in touch to learn more about how CCC can help you grow your business.