
While offshoring is often seen purely as a low cost solution to a problem, we believe that in order for it to be successful, cost is only part of the picture.

We are able to fulfil many types of roles, processes and daily tasks for everything from small businesses through to growing mid size companies and complex global companies in areas/functions including:

Our dedicated staff are located in Makati, Philippines, in the heart of Manila’s CBD . We offer the same low costs as other offshore groups, (typically between 50 – 70% of onshore costs) but do not believe that is enough of a business benefit. Consequently, from initial engagement through to management of your teams, we aim to offer unrivalled service and support to ensure long term, successful outsourcing for your business. We do this because we have:

Experts in Accounting, Data Management, Recruitment and IT

Perhaps uniquely in the market, the principals at CCC have deep experience of several industries having run successful accounting practices, recruitment and IT consultancies and, of course, data management. We understand the needs of businesses in Australia and New Zealand. It enables us to be proactive and strategic in helping you make the most of your offshore team

Our service is our strength

From the onshore leadership team, to the offshore management through to the teams servicing your business, we offer a real partnership and an extension to your office.

We visit the Philippines regularly and have close working relationships with the team. This leadership and mentorship of the offshore team supervisors is to ensure that the experience both for our clients and for the local teams working with our clients is optimal.

Our teams see themselves as an extension of your teams. In some ways they have more support than your local teams in that they are also a part of the CCC team. We see part of our service to you is that your employees enjoy their experience of work – from team building and regular catch-ups and mentoring.

Don’t take our word for it! Read our testimonials
Significant Experience in The Philippines

CCC has had been working in The Philippines doing BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) for over 30 years.

This experience has also led us to a structure whereby the onshore support to an offshore business is a key to its success. Our onshore experts help setup and oversee your offshore team.This helps ensure long term success of offshoring for your business.

Strong Security

CCC understands the need for strong security and privacy over client data and we been following best practice for a long time. We have state of the art security measures in place and take this aspect of service delivery very seriously. Learn more about our security

Fair and transparent pricing

Businesses are able to lower their operating costs through relocating suitable roles to our Manila based team. The decrease in operating costs is achieved by accessing highly productive, university qualified professionals at a rate that is substantially below what you would expect to pay in the Australian or New Zealand market – typically we can place staff for between 50 – 70% less than hiring locally.

Always on

Our hours of operation can be 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Although we would typically work hours which coincide with your office hours, arrangements can be made for work to be done outside these hours.In addition workers are contracted to Australian calendars and will work all Philippine public holidays, although not Australian days – with the exception of Christmas and Easter which we share.

We also are able to cover workers taking their 12 day Philippine holiday entitlement with other qualified staff.

Don’t take our word for it! Read our testimonials

Get in touch to learn more about how CCC can help you grow your business.